//Conformity of Production

Conformity of Production

2018-11-23T09:28:22+00:00February 27th, 2015|

We are glad to inform you that we have been audited this January 2.015 by the UCA. The UCA, the Automobile Certification Unit of the Foundation for the Promotion of Industrial Innovation, is the service centre designated by the Spanish Ministry of Industry for conducting initial assessments, conformity of production and continuous checking for approval of motor vehicle its and components.

After analysis of the production process and testing in control of conformity of production, the UCA believes that the management system defined by FACOMSA to comply with the requirements of:

UNECE Regulation 6

UNECE Regulation 50

UNECE Regulation 10

Directive 97 / 24 / CEE

Directive 72 / 245 / CEE

in their latest changes is defined and implemented effectively .